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Accolades's Top Voted Local Quilt Shop

Grand Prize Winner

Emma's Quilt Cupboard - Franklin, MA

Quilt shops are the cornerstones of the sewing and quilting community. They provide gathering spaces for classes and a welcoming environment to get the creative juices flowing. They’re great places to get inspired, to learn new skills, or get just the right tools needed to unlock your potential.

In honor of 'Visit Your Local Quilt Shop Day' on January 26th, we held a contest to celebrate our love for quilt shops. We asked all of you out there to vote for your favorite shops and tell us about why they were special to you. The contest lasted just a few short weeks, but the response was overwhelming with nearly 5,000 votes!

Thanks to your support. The winners who had a combination of the most votes and the best comments from their customers, are now winning a free ByAnnie trunk show to display in their shop for a full month! See if your favorite shop was a winner, and find when you can go visit these shops to see the trunk show!